
Here are just a few of the things that our clients are saying about us... 


"I just wanted to thank you and the Total Velo crew.

I've been dealing with some mental and health challenges, and almost backed out, but I'm so glad I didn't. I had an amazing time and met some fantastic people on those mountain climbs! Les "Les-b-avinya," was awesome and really motivated me through every ascent, and is a great guy!

You've got an incredible team, so please extend my thanks to Dawn, Les, Mary, Ben & Karen, who are a lovely couple, and of course Duncan."

(Scott - Haverhill)


"Thanks all for a great week, enjoy the rest of the trip. Big thanks to Anthony, Dawn, Andrew, Duncan, Ben and Karen. The Stansted lot are all at the airport, and through security, after a beautifully smooth transfer" 
(Caroline - Brentwood)


"Thanks for the great organisation and company, really appreciated!"

(Dave - Southend)


"Thanks TVCH crew for a fab week! See you hopefully in 6 months!"
(Paulina - London)


"Back, tea made, unpacked, first lot of washing on!  Thanks all, for helping to make it such a great week.  Oh and it’s raining!"
(Clive - Little Snoring)


"Thanks all for a great week, nice meeting those I didn't know before (most of you!) and catching up with those I did. Fantastic week of riding"
(Graham - Romford)


"Thanks for a great week of riding everyone, and a big thanks to Antony Stapleton, for all the hard work you put in, to make it all happen."
(Scott - Hutton)


"Fabulous ride leadership today from Antony Stapleton, Les Pick, and an awesome group who helped me home on my longest, fastest and steepest ride ever!" 
(Sandra - Chelmsford)


"A magical week, massive thanks to both organisers and fellow riders. Only a year to wait!" 
(Barry - Southend)